Gift cards on Shopify

Gift cards on Shopify
Kiana Johnson

Kiana Johnson

May 3 2023


I'm excited to let you know that with Shopify, you can easily offer gift cards on your online store. Your customers will be able to purchase these gift cards just like any other product, and the lucky recipients can redeem them by entering the unique code

Shopify enables merchants to sell gift cards on their online store. Here's how you can set up gift cards on Shopify:

1. Log in to your Shopify account and navigate to the "Products" section in the left-hand menu.

2. To add a gift card product, click on "Gift Cards" and then select "Add Gift Card Product.”

To issue a gift card for specific customers, click on the "Issue gift card" tab.
  1. In the Gift card details section, enter the gift card code and its initial value.
  2. In the Expiration date section, set the expiry date for the gift card, if required.
  3. To send the gift card code, navigate to the Find or Create a Customer section on the right-hand side. Add a customer by entering their Name, email address, or phone number. If you have already added a customer, select the one to whom you want to send the code.
  4. To add a note, enter it in the note section and click the "Activate" button at the bottom.

3. Choose a name, description, and image for your gift card, and set its price.

4. In the "Denominations" section, select whether the gift card will have a fixed or customizable value. If you choose a customizable value, you can set a minimum and maximum amount.

5. On the right-hand side, find the publishing section.If needed, click the small calendar icon and use the "schedule online store publishing" option to set a date and time for the product to be published.

6. In the "Product Organization" section, select the product category (by default Gift Card), Product type, and Vendor.

7. Customize the design of your gift card by selecting a template or uploading your own design.

8. Finally, click on the "Save gift card product" tab in the bottom right corner to add it to your store.

Customers can purchase gift cards like any other product in your store. Recipients can redeem them by entering the unique code at checkout. Gift cards can be a great way to increase sales and attract new customers to your store.

Kiana Johnson


Kiana Johnson

Kiana Johnson helps online stores with insights and recommendations to implement Customer Life Time Value improvement tactics