Free Tools

Free tools for website building and online marketing

QR Code Generator

Generate dynamic QR codes for free. Track scans and get invaluable insights about visitors

Robots.txt Generator

Generate and customize a robots.txt file for your website for free. Robots.txt files are used to instruct web crawlers and other web robots how to crawl your website.

JSON-LD Generator

Generate JSON-LD for your website with our free JSON-LD Generator. It is a great way to improve your website's SEO and help search engines understand your website's content.

Google Bulk Indexer

Submit website URLs to Google Search Engine for indexing in bulk. Don't bother submitting URLs one by one in Google Search Console.

AI Social Media Post Generator

Use AI to generate highly engaging social media posts for online product listings or any web page. Automate this tactic to reduce customer acquisition costs and stay ahead of the competition.

Robots.txt Examples

See examples of robots.txt files. You can copy and use it on your website.

Free tools for Shopify stores

Profit Margin Calculator

Quickly find your target cost and product price for products on your Shopify store based on your desired profit margin.