301 Redirect

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A 301 redirect is used to permanently redirect visitors from one web page to another. It ensures a smooth user experience and maintains URL integrity.

Have you ever clicked on a link and found yourself on a completely different webpage? Frustrating, right? Well, that's where a 301 redirect comes in to save the day! In this post, we'll explain the concept of 301 redirects and why they are crucial for website owners and SEO enthusiasts.

What is 301 redirect?

Picture yourself driving down a road you know well when all of a sudden, you come across a detour sign. The road you were originally on is closed for construction, but don't worry! There's a friendly sign guiding you toward a new route that will still lead you to your desired destination. That's pretty much what a 301 redirect accomplishes on the internet.

Detour example as 301 redirection

A 301 redirect is a method used to permanently redirect visitors from one web page to another. When someone attempts to access the old page, they are automatically redirected to the new page.

What does a 301 redirect do?

As you know, a 301 redirect is a permanent redirect from one URL to another. It informs search engines and browsers that the original page has permanently moved to a new location.

This ensures that whenever someone tries to access the old URL, they will be automatically redirected to the new one. It's similar to setting up a postal forwarding address for your website!

301 redirect SEO

Now you might be wondering, how does a 301 redirect affect SEO? Well, the beauty of a 301 redirect is that it transfers the SEO value from the old URL to the new one.

When search engines crawl your website and find a 301 redirect, they recognize that the old page has been replaced and transfer the search rankings, backlinks, and authority to the new page.

This ensures that you don't lose any valuable SEO value during website migrations or URL changes.

301 redirect example

Let's use a real-life example to understand how a 301 redirect works. Imagine you have a popular blog post on your website that receives a lot of traffic and backlinks. However, you decide to change the URL structure or move the blog post to a different category.

Without a 301 redirect, anyone trying to access the old URL will encounter a frustrating "404 Page Not Found" error.

However, by implementing a 301 redirect, visitors will be seamlessly redirected to the new URL. This ensures a smooth user experience and preserves your valuable SEO rankings.

In my case, for one of my Hindi blogs, I migrated the blog from WordPress to Konigle and modified the URL structure(301 redirect). This change also gives me an opportunity to improve my URL structure, which was not good previously.

Previously on WordPress…

301 redirect example- WordPress URL

New URL structure on the Konigle platform.

301 redirect example- Konigle URL

How to implement a redirect

Implementing a 301 redirect is easier than you might think. Below is a simple step-by-step guide to help you get started:

1. Identify the old URL that you want to redirect.

2. Please specify the new URL to which you would like the old URL to redirect.

3. To set up a 301 redirect, you can use your website's .htaccess file (for Apache servers) or the Konigle URL redirects feature (for WordPress to Konigle).

Konigle's URL redirect feature

4. Test the redirect to ensure that it is working correctly. You can use online tools or simply try accessing the old URL to see if it redirects to the new one.

By following these simple steps, you will be able to effectively redirect your website's pages without losing any SEO value or causing any frustration to your users.


In conclusion, a 301 redirect is a powerful tool that helps maintain the integrity of your website's URLs, preserve SEO value, and provide a seamless experience for your users. So, the next time you make changes to your website's structure or move content around, remember to implement a 301 redirect to ensure continuous traffic flow!

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