Back in stock alert

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Back-in-stock alert is an effortless way that let buyers know that an out-of-stock product they recently showed interest in is once again available in the online store.

What is back in stock alert?

Back in stock alert is an easy way to update your customer when your products are restocked and bring them back to your eCommerce storeIn short, back in stock meaning is alert the customer about a product in stock.

restock alert meme

These are alerts that a shopper willingly enables to get updates on when a certain item is expected to be in stock again. 

Typically, when a shopper visits a product page and sees that an item is out of stock, they can choose to enable (subscribe) alerts about when the item will be back in stock. Once it is restocked, your store can send out an email or SMS informing them about the update (the product is now available) and guide them toward making a purchase.

Read More: 21 Back in Stock Email Templates

Konigle's back-in-stock alert tool process for shopify 

Importance of back-in-stock alert for store

1. Recovery:

You should recover lost revenue and marketing costs. Back-in-stock alerts ensure a chance to recover that lost opportunity by alerting interested shoppers and boosting your conversion rate.

2. Interest:

Back-in-stock alerts aim to sustain this initial shopper interest. Getting them to enable these alerts helps create an expectation that the items will be restocked soon and that they can still purchase them.

3. Popularity:

This makes the buyers trust, there is so much demand for this particular item that you had to create a dedicated waiting list for the same.

4. Insights:

Using these alerts, you can easily measure buyers' demand without having to hoard dead stock for months together.

Konigle's Shopify Back-in-Stock Alerts

For a Shopify store, Konigle's back in stock notification app is the best way to manage shopify back in stock notifications. It only takes ten minutes to set up. And once configured, the tool starts to add the email and SMS to your store's subscriber list. Then, it automatically alerts prospective customers when the product is back in stock.

Konigle's Back in Stock alerts tool showing the final result 

Plus, Konigle's Back in Stock alerts come with store operators' alerts when you get visitors showing interest in a particular product. Konigle can also provide a dashboard and analytics with products being shown as interest.

If are you interested in how it will be implemented in your store then please follow our complete guide here or follow the below video:

Complete Process for Konigle's Back-in-Stock Alert Tool for Shopify

Benefits of Back-in-Stock Alerts on your Shopify store

1. Increase Shopify sales: With these automation alert tools, buyers who were planning to buy from your store still can come back later and purchase the item that was out of stock earlier.

2. Provide a good experience for Buyers: When buyers land on an out-of-stock item page without any option alerts, they instantly have a negative impact, and they are less likely to come back to your store but the help of Back-in-Stock Alerts have a chance to come back and purchase again.

3. Grow subscription list: This gives you a good opportunity to capture demand & grow your subscription list for the future.

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