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A favicon, which is a cute little shorthand for favorites icon, is that tiny picture you see hanging out next to website names in your browser tabs, bookmarks, and occasionally, even in the address bar.

Have you ever noticed those little icons next to website names in your browser tabs? Those are favicons, and they play a surprisingly important role in your digital experience. But what exactly are they, and why should you care? Buckle up, because we're diving into the fascinating world of favicons!

What Exactly is a Favicon?

Picture this: you've got a dozen tabs open and they're all blending into one big mess. It's like trying to find a needle in a digital haystack. But don't worry, the favicon is here to rescue you!

Think of it as your little knight in shiny pixels. This nifty icon pops up in your browser tabs, bookmarks, address bars, and even on your mobile devices. It's like a visual whistle, letting you immediately spot and tell apart your open tabs.

Konigle Favicon

Why Should You Care About Favicons?

Apart from making things easier for you, favicons come with a bunch of perks that you really wouldn't want to miss out on:

  • Boosting Your Brand Recognition: Think of a good favicon as your brand's little cheerleader! It's there to support and strengthen your brand identity across the digital world. It's like a friendly little nudge, reminding people of your brand - even when they've wandered off from your website.
  • A Friendlier Browsing Experience: Favicons bring a splash of color to your tabs, making it super easy to flip between them. No more squinting or wading through long titles to find the site you're after. This fun, user-friendly navigation keeps visitors smiling, sticking around longer, and just might boost your website's traffic and engagement!
  • Boosted Professionalism: A top-notch favicon can really spruce up your brand's image! It's all about the details and showing your dedication to them. In such a competitive online world, these small touches can make a world of difference.
  • Boost Your Click-Through Rates: When folks are browsing through search results, websites with favicons often catch their eye. So, adding a favicon might just bring more curious clickers and friendly visitors your way!

Favicon vs. Logo: What's the Difference?

Both favicons and logos do a fantastic job representing a brand, but they each have their own special roles to play. Logos love to show off just a little bit more, flaunting their larger size, intricate details, and prominence on platforms such as websites, business cards, or social media.

Favicons, the humble companions, are smaller and simpler, focusing on making the brand instantly recognizable in the cozy space of a browser tab.

Here's a fun way to think about it: your logo is like a grand portrait hanging above the fireplace, offering a detailed showcase of your brand. The favicon? It's like your friendly little name tag you wear when meeting new folks, giving them a quick and easy way to recognize you.

Finding the Perfect Size: Understanding Favicon Dimensions

You might already know that favicons come in an array of sizes, right? The most common size you'll see around is a cute little 16x16 pixels.

But hold on, you've got some browsers that love to show off larger versions, so it's a good idea to create a favicon file that's filled with multiple sizes.

You're typically looking at a range from the tiny 16x16 pixels all the way up to a grand 192x192 pixels. Doing this makes sure your favicon looks great, no matter what device or browser your audience is using. Isn't that neat?

It's all about keeping it small and simple. As tempting as it might be to go for a complex image, it's worth noting that its details may get lost when reduced to a tiny icon size.

Which File Format Should Your Favicon Be In?

The most popular file format for favicons is the .ico format (just say "eye-co"). The beauty of this format is that it lets you pack multiple image sizes into a single file – super handy for meeting different browser needs.

But guess what? Some of our modern browser friends also welcome other formats like .png and .svg. Cool, right?

If you're feeling a bit puzzled about which format to go with, don't worry! Going for the .ico format when creating your favicon will make sure it's friendly with a wider range of browsers.

How to make a favicon?

So, you want to create your own favicon? Here's how!

Guess what? Creating a favicon is a breeze! There's a bunch of helpful online tools and resources, including some that let you make favicons for free.

You just upload your image, pick the sizes you want, and voila! You can download your shiny new favicon in the right format.

Here are some popular options to get you started:

Alternatively, if you're a cherished Konigle user and you're looking to add a favicon on your website, you can easily do it. Just follow the steps below!

Step 1: Log in to your Konigle admin and click on the website tab.

Konigle website admin

Step 2: Inside the website tab, you'll find your website's home folder. Simply click on it.

Click on website tab and then Home folder inside konigle admin

Step 3: In the Design and SEO section, you will find the Favicon upload option. Simply upload your favicon following the recommended size and file type, and you're done.

Uploading favicon

Favicon Examples: Inspiration for Your Small Icon

Now that we've uncovered the magic behind favicons, why don't we dive into some creative examples from a variety of brands?

  • Twitter: The iconic bluebird(Now as X) is instantly recognizable, even in its miniaturized form.
  • Instagram: The familiar camera icon, maintaining brand consistency across platforms.
  • Apple: The sleek and simple Apple logo is a timeless symbol of the brand.
  • Spotify: The green music note is easily identifiable as the symbol for this music streaming service.

Your favicon doesn't need to be super complex! It should be something that's visually appealing, really captures the spirit of your brand, and can be recognized at just a quick glance, even when it's tiny.

Best Practices for a Flawless Favicon

Here are some handy tips to ensure your favicon shines:

  • Keep it Simple: Remember, favicons are pretty small, so it's best to stay away from overly complicated details or teeny-tiny text that might just turn into a blurry mess when it's shrunk down. Go for bold, dynamic shapes, clear and recognizable icons, and don't shy away from high contrast to ensure your favicon is as readable as it can be.
  • Embrace Transparency: Don't be shy, give a transparent background a try for your favicon! It'll blend in beautifully with different backgrounds, improving its versatility.
  • Let's Get in Sync with Your Brand: Your favicon should be like your brand's best friend. Let's make it match perfectly with the colors, fonts, and designs you've already nailed down in your logo and the overall look of your website.
  • Test Across Devices: Let's make sure your favicon shines on all devices! Whether it's a desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone, we want it to look fantastic. And don't forget to test it on different browsers and platforms to catch any sneaky display issues.


We hope you've got a good feel for just how amazing favicons can be and the magic they can work on your brand's online visibility. Don't forget, this little icon does a big job in making your users' experience smoother and boosting your brand's recognition.

So, let's get those creative juices flowing! Follow these handy tips and craft a favicon that truly captures the unique spirit of your brand and leaves a lasting impression on your lovely audience!