Get a quote button

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Having a "Get a Quote" button on a website can simplify the process of contacting a business, potentially leading to increased customer engagement. Moreover, it can help generate leads with minimal effort.

What is a get a quote button?

A “get a quote” button allows customers to contact a manufacturing business directly from their website to enquire information about product prices.

Customers will have to fill in their name and email in order to request for quote

Why do you need a get a quote button?

A get-a-quote button is imperative for manufacturer websites, as the price for the products or services offered can vary from customer to customer based on their needs. When the number of customers getting in touch with a business usually via chat, email, or telephone grows to a substantial amount, it can become difficult to stay on top of all requests for quotation (RFQ). Therefore, adding a get a quote button is the best way forward to avoid being in such a predicament.

This is what the whole quote management flow should look like:

1. After a customer has request for quotation, an email notification will be sent to the store.

Quote request notification

2. From the Konigle storefront admin, go to Quotes to view and manage RFQs.

Easily make edits and collaborate internally on quotes all in one place

3. After the quotation is finalized, directly send it to your customer.

The quotation will be sent to customers with a click of the send button

From a customer's perspective, this button streamlines the process of reaching out, which could make them more willing to engage with businesses. Additionally, getting customers to reach out is a significant hurdle for many manufacturing businesses. Therefore, having a get a quote button could increase lead generation with minimal effort.

How to add a get a quote button?

By using the Konigle Storefront, you would not even need to ask this question. The Konigle Storefront is an all-in-one platform that does not require any separate plugin installations for a get a quote button.