Keyword stuffing

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Keyword stuffing is the process of overloading a website page with specific target keywords either visible or hidden to the reader - in an effort to rank higher for that keyword on search engines.

What is keyword stuffing?

Keyword stuffing happens when you  fill a web page, blog article, product page, or meta description with the same keyword phrases.

Actually, keyword stuffing is considered an unethical SEO practice, intentionally putting an unnecessarily large amount of keywords into web pages, in increasing the website’s ranking and traffic in the process.

Search engines see this as an attempt to manipulate a website page's search results ranking and can also penalize or remove the page from search engine results.

Konigle's Shopee Keyword Tool helps you to bid on the right keywords & increase ROI, find the best keywords, track trends, and more.

What is the reason behind keyword stuffing is bad?

Keyword stuffing isn’t well for eCommerce stores and content no matter how good you are at it. In fact, search engines, such as Google, bing, and yahoo have devised ways of detecting web pages with intentionally overused keywords, and promise to issue fine penalties for the same.

With that in mind, here is why you should avoid unnecessary or intentional keywords on your eCommerce store:

  • Drives away buyers by not recommending your store to consumers in the first time.
  • Makes website content sound more repetitive, hence may not provide any value to visitors
  • Spam wording hit the trust of your eCommerce store
  • Take down your store and domain authority.
  • Stuffing keywords means you’re writing content or pages for SEO, not the readers.

Search engines don’t like bad SEO techniques like keyword stuffing and may they remove your pages from the search result.

How to avoid keyword stuffing

1. Focus on one main keyword

Each page or content on your store should have a single main keyword it is trying to target that matches real buyers' search intentions.

Ideally, your main keyword should be a popular search keyword that you want to rank for.

2. Write informative content 

Many sellers work on little details of optimizing for SEO that they forget to write high-quality content that’s actually useful and informative for visitors.

3. Include the keywords naturally

As you aim on creating high-quality content, the keywords you want to target will wind up flowing naturally within your content. Don't push them intentionally.

4. Optimize your page in different ways

There are many other factors that help in search engines ranking and result look out for besides just good content, including improving backlinks of a web page, internal links, domain authority, and engagement metrics.

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