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A key performance indicator(KPI) is a metric that is used to determine the success of your business(eCommerce store). It measures the performance of a business against its strategic objectives.

What are KPIs in eCommerce?

As you know, KPI stands for Key Performance Indicators and are the key targets you should track to make sure you progress on your business objectives. 

Key Performance Indicators specifically help to achieve a Business's strategic, financial, and operational goals and also compare them with other businesses within the same sector.

It's important that these performance measurements are customized to your Shopify store's situation and help you achieve your goals with Konigle tools.

Konigle's competitor price tracking makes it super easy to track your competitor's price movements in a reliable and efficient way helping you price your product optimized for profits.

Types of KPIs

There are a lot of different indicators that help to measure KPI. It depends on a long-term focus or measures monthly progress against a specific goal. Here are some of the most common indicators of KPIs used.

1. Strategic

These KPIs mainly focus on more long-term, big-picture goals within a business. A strategic KPI can be something like the revenue growth of the business.

2. Operational

 These KPIs measure processes and efficiencies of a business and these metrics indicate how things are going day to day within a store. Basically, It's measured on a shorter timeframe than other KPIs used.

3. Leading or lagging

Leading indicators can help business to predict outcomes, and lagging indicates tracking what has already happened.

A lagging KPI tracks past achievements and goals, such as annual sales of the products for the previous year. A leading indicator is a given prediction for a business that what will do in the future, such as customer satisfaction.

Why Are KPIs Important?

  • KPIs can track progress at the individual level.
  • It’s easier to adjust the strategy of a business to reach its goals.
  • KPIs help businesses objectively see how they performing period of time.
  • KPIs give you a realistic look at the health of your business.
  • You can make adjustments with successes and failures.
  • Hold your stores accountable.
  • KPIs help businesses to keep moving in the same direction.

How are eCommerce KPIs measured?

The best way to measure the performance of your KPIs is using the SMART framework.

  1. Set a Specific objective and goal
  2. Measure progress of business towards goal
  3. Make your objective more Achievable
  4. Track Relevant goals to your business
  5. Mesure how much Timeframe take for achieving this goal

With this technique, you can easily set a goal for your business or store and track using KPIs.

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