Year-to-date (YTD) refers to the time period between the beginning of the calendar year or fiscal year up to the current date.

Year to date is the full form of YTD. YTD information is important for analyzing business trends over time and it refers to the period between the first day of the calendar year and the current date. The fiscal year might not necessarily begin on 1st January, but it's not a matter of the dates, Year-to-date covers the first day of the year until the last day of calculation.

November 4, 2024
November 8, 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

Simply, YTD - From beginning of the year until day of today and MTD- From beginning of the month until day of today.

Basically, Year to date (YTD) is a term that covers the period between the starting of the year and the current date.

YTD is a good timeframe to set an objective and track it so that your business or store grows over time.