December 6, 2024
Top 15 Web development companies in Hachinohe, Japan
About Us. We are Innovators of new engineering and manufacturing techniques, dedicated to quality and continued growth. Read More ...
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2. 東北のデザイン社
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3. サイエンスホーム 八戸
住んでいる人と共に呼吸する日本の風土にあう木の家. サイエンスホームは昔のいいところを学んで、真壁工法を取り入れて、現代の技術と組み合わせて高性能の窓や外張り断熱 ...
The reviews for Makabe are generally positive. Customers praised the warm and homely atmosphere, friendly sales staff, and abundant use of wood in the houses. The company offers consultations via Zoom to help customers build their ideal homes. The president is knowledgeable and offers helpful advice on interior parts. Overall, Makabe seems to be a reputable company with satisfied customers. No negative points were mentioned in the reviews.
4. 株式会社吉田システム
Apr 3, 2023 ... 本拠:青森県八戸市。IBM&lenovoビジネスパートナー。震災等の災害対策が万全なデータセンターを所有(ホスティング・ハウジング)。
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5. らいずのお家
八戸市を拠点に、街と暮らしをつくる会社をめざして. らいず不動産は地元八戸市を中心に地域に密着した会社です。 地域密着の理由は「お客様の思いの詰まった住まいを一邸 ...
The reviews for the web development company are positive overall, highlighting their durability, excellent insulation, and great after-sales service. The company was praised for their helpfulness in consulting on the design and accommodating meetings. They were also commended for incorporating the customers ideas and anticipating rising lumber prices. A refurbishment project was successful and transformed a room beautifully. No negative points were mentioned, and the customers expressed satisfaction and gratitude towards the company.
6. 株式会社 E-style
株式会社e-style(イースタイル) · 目指すは信頼される「地域(まち)のインターネット屋さん」 · 大家様向けのインターネット無料設備サービス · オフィス・店舗のIT通信 ...
The reviews for the web development company are mixed. While the craftsmanship and finish are praised, there are concerns about the companys professionalism and slow estimating process. One reviewer had an issue with an employee trespassing on their property. Overall, there is a suggestion to contact the police and the original housing manufacturer.
7. (株)ヘリテージホーム 八戸支店
The customer service at the web development company is praised for its good manners and polite response to customers. No negative points are mentioned in the text, and a final verdict cannot be provided as no additional reviews are available.
8. (株)ジェイホーム【八戸オフィス】
Several homes have been built by the web development company, all of which are impressive. However, the customer service is reported to be the worst aspect of the company. One reviewer experienced a negative attitude and unpleasant interactions. Overall, the companys customer service needs improvement.
9. 株式会社サンロク 八戸店
お気軽にお問合せ、ご来店ください。 株式会社サンロク八戸店 〒031-0804 青森県八戸市青葉3丁目. 電話:0178-38-3643.
The reviewer was disappointed with the makeshift manner in which their call was answered but finds the staff to be kind and pleasant. No other reviews are provided, indicating that reviews for the company are not yet available.
10. リフォームしあわせ工房 株式会社北奥設備リフォーム事業部
(株)北奥設備リフォーム事業部 しあわせ工房について · リフォームしあわせ工房の名前の由来 · お客様をしあわせに出来る家づくり.
Shiawase Kobo is a reliable construction company that provides excellent customer service and high-quality work. They are responsive, attentive to detail, and complete projects to customers satisfaction. The company handles unexpected issues, such as termite infestations, efficiently. Customers trust and continue to consult with Shiawase Kobo for their construction needs. No negative points were mentioned in the reviews.
11. Dolive オハナ八戸店
Dolive オハナ八戸店. 【Dolive オハナ八戸店】(三日町ショールーム)では、 早起きしたくなる部屋の「AM6」、カリフォルニア工務店とのコラボ商品 「カリフォルニア工務 ...
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12. LIXILリフォームショップ八戸西店(株)アベシステム
【LIXIL認定】アベシステム 八戸西店|青森県。LIXILリフォームショップは安心安全なリフォーム・リノベーションを提供するリフォームブランドです。
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13. ワナベ建築工房株式会社
「人間味のある家つくり」それがワナベの考えです。家族の夢や想いをカタチに、今の生活がもっと楽しくなるような家造り。お客様にとってのオンリーワンを、知恵を絞っ ...
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14. LIXILリフォームショップ八戸南店(株)アベシステム
【LIXIL認定】アベシステム 八戸南店|青森県。LIXILリフォームショップは安心安全なリフォーム・リノベーションを提供するリフォームブランドです。
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