December 6, 2024
Top 15 Web development companies in Kurashiki, Japan
1. AtoZ Design
47 Followers, 174 Following, 12 Posts - See photos, videos, and more from AToZ design (@a_to__z_design_)
Positive customer reviews praise the companys ability to create stylish and high-quality websites at a reasonable price. The company is also praised for their quick response time and for providing good advice and support throughout the process. The reviews recommend the company to others and express gratitude for their continued support. No negative points or weaknesses are mentioned.
2. (株)ライフベリーデザイン
会社情報 · 株式会社ライフベリーデザイン · 〒710-0012 岡山県倉敷市鳥羽129-19 · 086-476-3102(代表) · 086-476-3909 · 月曜日 – 金曜日 9 AM – 8 PM.
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3. AEDI株式会社
AEDIはデザイナーの嘉良戸照造が代表を務める岡山県倉敷市のWeb制作会社・デザイン会社です。ホームページ制作、WordPress構築、多言語サイト構築、UI/UXデザイン、 ...
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4. (株)RAKUNY
会社情報 | 倉敷の株式会社金光組は、管工事・土木工事・産業廃棄物収集運搬を主として行っている会社です。また、工事管理システム(RAKUNY)の開発を行い、従業員が ...
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We have fiber internet access and wireless internet access. On the main level, the Grand Room can be configured for large meetings, art shows, weddings, ...
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6. SIMPLE NOTE(シンプルノート)
The simplest way to keep notes. Light, clean, and free. Simplenote is now available for iOS, Android, Mac, and the web.
The text contains positive customer reviews of a house-building company called Simple Note. The customers express satisfaction with the stylish design, quality, and functionality of their houses. They praise the companys responsiveness to their requests and the support provided by the store manager. The customers highlight the ease of cleaning, good flow for housework, sunny and comfortable living spaces, and safety features of the houses. Overall, the customers are attached to their houses and express excitement for making memories in them.
7. 住まいテラス
【倉敷エリア専門店】新築建売、中古住宅・マンション、土地探しなら「住まいテラス」。 倉敷市専門で【1632】件の物件情報を掲載。まずはエリアや学区、こだわりの ...
The reviews for Sumai Terrace, a house builder, are overwhelmingly positive. Customers appreciate the thoroughness and attention to detail in finding them land and helping with the purchasing process. They especially value the frequent progress updates and the staffs kindness and patience. Overall, customers are grateful for the support and guidance provided by Sumai Terrace in their property search. No negative points were mentioned in the reviews.
8. Santeru
245 Followers, 307 Following, 133 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Terry N (@santeru)
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9. 株式会社アクアプラスデザイン 撫川
【株式会社アクアプラスデザイン】 岡山市北区撫川132-16|ホームページ,パンフレット,チラシ,名刺,看板,ロゴマーク,ウェブ|岡山初のSTUDIO認定パートナー|株式会社 ...
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10. デザインハウス.BROOK. / ㈱BROOK
The text contains positive reviews from customers who had their houses built by BROOK. They praise the company for listening to their wishes, providing advice, and creating a home that they are attached to. The customers appreciate the support even after maintenance and recommend BROOK to others. No negative points are mentioned in the text.
11. 株式会社アイディーエイ 岡山本社 IDA Co., Ltd.
会社名, 株式会社アイディーエイ IDA Co.,Ltd. 創業, 1976(昭和51)年4月1日. 創立, 1978(昭和53)年5月4日. 資本金, 4,875万円. 本社所在地, 岡山県岡山市北区下中野510 ...
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12. (株)意匠堂
岡山の工務店、株式会社意匠堂の新築住宅施工事例。住宅密集地に佇むのスタイリッシュな平屋住宅。プライバシーの守られた中庭のあるコートハウス設計のおしゃれな新築 ...
The text consists of mixed reviews about a house builder. One reviewer expresses disappointment with the lack of security and parking information during the completion tour. Another reviewer praises the detailed design and professionalism of the builder, mentioning the stylish and warm atmosphere of their home. Overall, the exterior and interior designs are commended for their style and convenience. The text concludes with a recommendation for those considering building a custom home, store, or office in the area.
13. Pikkuni / famo. DESIGN STUDIO
famo. DESIGN STUDIOデザイン事務所は木のおもちゃや雑貨などのプロダクトデザイン、パッケージやパンフレットなどのグラフィック、ブランドや会社などのウェブサイト ...
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14. ZEST design/house 倉敷オフィス
「インテリアショップとつくる家」 ゼスト倉敷オフィスは、家づくり・リノベーション・インテリアショップを手掛ける倉敷市の注文住宅会社です。カフェのようなお洒落 ...
The text consists of positive reviews for a construction company called ZEST. Customers praised the staff for being helpful and kind, and for listening to their needs. The company was commended for its attention to detail and ability to exceed expectations. The customers felt satisfied with their new custom-built homes and the renovations done by ZEST. No negative points were mentioned.