December 6, 2024
Top 15 Web development companies in Sendai, Japan
1. Web Design Aoi (株式会社あおい)
株式会社あおいWeb Design Aoi )が作るホームページ(webサイト)は、他と違います。広告のチラシのような「ゴチャゴチャ」したデザインではなく、大人向け雑誌のよう ...
The text consists of two reviews for a web development company called Aoi. Both reviewers praise the company for their excellent service and ability to understand client needs. The company is described as responsive, flexible, and capable of making small adjustments even after the website is published. The reviewers also mention that the owners of the company have wonderful personalities. Overall, the reviews are highly positive and recommend Aoi for web development services.
2. Web design MIRAIZU
Web design MIRAIZU公式ホームページのお問い合わせフォームです。弊社へのお問い合わせはこちらのフォームをご利用ください。
The hospitals website has been successfully created and managed by the web development company. The company is praised for their regular contact, helpful access reports, and increased website traffic following a renewal. The company is also complimented on their beautiful photos and overall satisfaction. No negative points are mentioned in the reviews.
Creative QA & Development for digital content. Managed in California + Crafted in Japan.
A list of reviews for a web development company in a city is provided. The strengths and weaknesses of the company are highlighted. The overall verdict is based on the negative points. No reviews are available at the moment.
4. Web Create Infinity
Our Project Management template can provide a strong framework that'll make sure your projects, no matter their size and complexity, land the way you had ...
Review not available!
5. 株式会社ワンクルー
Customers are grateful for the website creation and management services provided. The company is praised for its frequent communication, suggestions for updates, and cost-effectiveness. However, there is a complaint about a rude and intimidating response to a complaint. The design is commended as modern and stylish, and the companys ability to understand and improve upon customer intentions is highlighted. The importance of website updates is emphasized, and the company is likened to having an extra office worker.
6. Sendai Web
Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030. Cover image of the ... UNDRR uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Got it!
Review not available!
7. addONEworks -アドワンワークス-
15 · addONEworks · 佐藤 雄太 · WEB 制作 · 弊社では、見栄えが良いだけではなく『生産性のあるホームページ』を得意としています。 『利益向上』や『業務効率化』に繋がるご ...
Adworks received positive reviews for their quick and affordable website development services. Customers appreciated the polite and pleasant communication, as well as the stylish design of their websites. They were also praised for their immediate response to maintenance requests and solid security. The completed homepages exceeded expectations and were well received by customers. Overall, Adworks was highly recommended by satisfied customers. No negative points were mentioned.
8. WEBパルコ
パルコEC限定オリジナル商品や、福袋、ファッション、家具、雑貨、アート、エンタメグッズ等を取り扱うパルコ公式通販サイトです。ポケパル払いでお支払いいただくこと ...
Review not available!
9. ㈱AndHA(アンドエイチエー)
仙台を代表するホームページ制作会社「アンドエイチエー」。分析、制作、運用、広告、SNS活用まで対応出来る幅広いスキルを組み合わせ、価値あるホームページ制作・ ...
Reviews for the web development company are not yet available.
Review not available!
11. GrapeCity
GrapeCity ... GrapeCity, inc. is a privately held, multinational software corporation based in Sendai, Japan, that develops software products and provides ...
The atmosphere at the web development company is very nice and the company is great. However, there is a manager who may be disrespectful, as they have been noted for telling younger employees that they dont do much work. Overall, the company has positive attributes but may have some issues with management.
12. ㈱エクスマインド
エクスマインドは、仙台のデザイン制作会社です。Webデザイン、グラフィックデザイン、イラスト、ロゴマークの制作など、最大限のパフォーマンスとハイクオリティをご ...
Review not available!
13. ㈱マグネットデザイン
Review not available!
14. ㈱スマートメディア
スマートメディアはオウンドメディアのプロ集団です。月間1.5億PVのメディア運用ノウハウを元に、戦略/構築/運用まで一気通貫で支援します。また、750社以上に導入され ...
This web development company has received positive reviews from customers. They provide advice and assistance with increasing sales for online shops, achieving significant results in just six months. They also offer after-sales support and are trustworthy. Customers appreciate their goal-oriented approach and reliable services. Overall, the company is highly recommended.
15. kome design
641 Followers, 377 Following, 48 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from KOME by Kelsey Taylor Hunt (
The text consists of multiple positive reviews for a nail salon. Customers praise the friendly staff, comfortable atmosphere, and personalized nail designs. However, there is also a negative review mentioning issues with the nails coming off and the monitor price not reflecting the quality. Overall, the salon is recommended for its skill, taste, and reasonable prices.