December 6, 2024
Top 15 Web development companies in Takarazuka, Japan
1. PRAG DESIGN(プラグデザイン)
宝塚を中心に伊丹、川西でのリノベーション物件購入(マンション・戸建)や中古物件を購入してリノベーションするならPRAG DESIGN(プラグデザイン)にお任せください。
The text consists of positive reviews for a company that provides home renovation services. Customers praise the company for proposing the best plan, providing excellent service, and being responsive to inquiries. They also express satisfaction with the renovation results and the larger kitchen. There are no negative points mentioned in the text.
2. puckish design(パキッシュデザイン)
開校17年の実績と確かなテクニックで信頼を誇るP3パキッシュデザイン教室。 資格取得の本格的なクラスから趣味としてのお楽しみクラスが好評です。
Review not available!
3. BASE宝塚(ベース宝塚) |株式会社宝塚デザイン
運営会社 株式会社宝塚デザイン · Web制作会社が教える BASE Webスクール公式サイト. 宝塚市のコワーキングスペース | BASE宝塚. 〒665-0003 兵庫県宝塚市湯本町2-20
The coworking space is praised for its nice interior design, good internet environment, and polite staff. It is recommended for web production school, learning, or consulting. The space is easily accessible and offers a view of the city. Drop-in costs are reasonable and include a free drink. While it is generally well-liked, there are no negative points mentioned in the reviews.
4. 株式会社 T•L•C
宝塚・阪神エリアでのリフォーム・リノベーションなら株式会社T・L・C!年間1000件の実績で低価格、安心、安全なリフォーム・リノベーションでお客様に寄り添い続け ...
The text consists of three reviews, all of which are positive. The clients appreciate the companys flexibility, thoroughness, and reasonable prices. They were satisfied with the renovations done on their homes, including the removal of gateposts, interior repairs, painting, and waterproofing. The company also helped with color schemes and provided a thorough explanation. Overall, the clients intend to continue working with the company and express their gratitude for the support. No negative points are mentioned.
5. 株式会社ウッドワン関西
会社概要. おかげさまで20周年. 商号, 株式会社ウッドワン関西. 所在地, 宝塚事務所:〒665-0864 兵庫県宝塚市泉町25番1号1F. 芦屋事務所:〒659-0062 兵庫県芦屋市宮塚町 ...
Customers praised the architect, carpenters, and salesperson at Wood One Kansai for their excellent work in creating a comfortable house. The designers presence during discussions allowed for on-the-spot design changes. The house was rebuilt on a small piece of land and exceeded expectations. Everyone at the company was friendly and skilled. Overall, customers highly recommend Wood One Kansai for new house construction or renovations.
6. アセント・デザイン株式会社
Jul 18, 2023 ... アセント・デザイン株式会社の企業概要ページです。アセント・デザイン株式会社の事業内容はです。本社の住所は兵庫県宝塚市伊孑志4 ...
Review not available!
7. WEBデザイン プログラミング スクール D.D.Line
スマホ依存では、「昼夜逆転してしまう」「使用し続けてしまう」という時間制限がない状態が問題と考えております。 レッスンでは主にPCやタブレットを使用しますが、学 ...
Review not available!
8. Takarazuka Music School
Oct 1, 2011 ... During the 110 year period since its foundation, the School has produced approximately 5,000 performers for the Takarazuka stage. For young ...
The text briefly describes the appearance of a school known for producing future stars. The author likes the picturesque view from a bridge and the schools emphasis on clean and beautiful acting. The school is also used as a rehearsal and filming space. No evaluation is provided as the author only discusses the schools appearance based on pictures taken over seven years.
9. webweb合同会社
webデザイン · movie企画・制作 · 印刷物制作 · オリジナルコスメブランド. i-inewホットクレンジング. すごいっ!
Reviewers are generally positive about the web development company, highlighting its ability to effectively respond to requests and provide satisfactory results. The company is praised for its low prices and reliable video production. However, there is no mention of any weaknesses. Overall, the company seems to have a good reputation and a strong customer base.
10. 株式会社宝塚デザイン
株式会社宝塚デザインは、ホームページ制作を本業としながら、コワーキングの店舗運営、WEB技術者を育てるスクール運営をしています。 日頃から自社のサイト・SNS運営 ...
Review not available!
11. システム開発・Web開発
NET、JAVA、Ruby…)で構築されています。Webシステム開発はインターネット経由で利用できるサービスやシステムの開発です。基本的にPCやスマートフォン、タブレット ...
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12. 宝塚大学 宝塚キャンパス
宝塚大学は宝塚、東京新宿、大阪梅田の3つのキャンパスを擁する、芸術と看護の大学です。人間の「生きる力」を支える、心に働きかける芸術と看護教育を教育理念に、 ...
The Tokyo Faculty of Media Arts is praised for its location and stimulating environment. It is situated in Shinjuku, surrounded by commercial buildings and services related to art and culture. This is especially beneficial for students interested in contemporary art. The campus provides a break from the hustle and bustle of the city and offers a great view. However, no specific strengths or weaknesses are mentioned in the reviews.
13. 株式会社デザインラボメルツ
株式会社デザインラボメルツは、 住宅、店舗などジャンルに関わらず建築をトータルデザインする1級建築士事務所です。 施工に関する質問や資金面でのご相談もお受け ...
Review not available!
14. aluu hair design
【ホットペッパービューティー】アルー ヘアーデザイン 中山寺店(aluu hair design)のサロン情報。お得なクーポン、ブログ、口コミ、住所、電話番号など知りたい情報 ...
The text consists of positive reviews for a hair salon, praising the atmosphere, customer service, and the hairstylists proposals. The reviewers express a desire to return and thank the staff for a pleasant experience. The salon is described as comfortable, with friendly staff. There are no negative points mentioned in the reviews.
15. (株)三和建設 本社
三和建設株式会社は、関西の大阪・京都、東京を中心に、これまで多くの企業や公共機関からのご依頼をいただき、食品工場、倉庫等の生産・物流施設をはじめ、オフィス ...
The text criticizes the poor response of a salesman, suggesting that not everyone exhibits this behavior. The context explains that the text is part of a list of reviews for a web development company. The task is to summarize these reviews, focusing on strengths and weaknesses and providing a final verdict. However, without further information, it is unclear whether this review is positive or negative.