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Return on ad spend (ROAS) is a metric that measures the amount of revenue earned for every dollar spent on an advertising campaign. It's an important KPI in digital and mobile marketing.

What does ROAS mean ?

As you know, ROAS stands for Return On Ad Spend and it is an important key performance indicator in paid online marketing. Similar to return on investment (ROI) it shows the profit achieved for each advertising expense and can be measured ROI of money invested into digital advertising.

It is a key metric for measuring and setting up strategic success in mobile advertising. It can be measured in detail based on specific ads, targeting, and so on.

I hope you get an idea about ROAS, many sellers run ads on special events with flash sales. Flash Sales are a reliable technique to drive traffic and improve sales for any online store.

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How is Return On Ad Spend (ROAS) calculated?

Calculating ROAS is a simple formula:

ROAS = (revenue attributable to ads / cost of ads) * 100

For example, if you invest $100 into your ad campaign and generate $300 in revenue from those ads you run, So your ROAS is 3 which is a very good result for your campaign.

There are several ways to determine the cost of your ads. Calculating ROAS becomes a little bit more complicated when determining what the cost of ads is, and there are a couple of decisions to be made.

If you want to know how much particular ads will cost, then you have to choose and track any one platform. you may want to include additional advertising costs such as Vendor costs or Team costs.

Uses of Return On Ad Spend

ROAS might be more helpful than ROI in optimizing for short-term or very specific strategies for marketing. ROAS is very useful for mobile marketing when you’re tracking multiple campaigns and ad platforms.

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