December 6, 2024
Top 15 Web development companies in Maribor, Slovenia
1. ARM DESIGN d.o.o.
Nov 1, 2022 ... Smo digitalna agencija Arm Design, ki vaše ideje spremeni v kreativne in učinkovite rešitve ... d.o.o.. Klinetova ulica 14 2000 Maribor Slovenija
ARM DESIGN is praised for being a friendly and capable team with a good understanding of demanding web work. They excel in graphic design and communication, and their projects consistently exceed expectations. They are recommended for online, photo, and video projects. The companys strengths include their professionalism, experience, and friendliness. The only weakness mentioned is that the reviewer initially hesitated to outsource web development. Overall, ARM DESIGN is highly recommended.
2., računalniške storitve. Aleksandar Jurić s.p. Strokovno, ugodno in hitro izdelujemo sodobne spletne strani in ... Podatki: Designio, računalniške storitve, Aleksandar Jurić S.P.. Pregljeva 16 receives positive feedback for their quick and professional website creation services. Clients appreciate their responsive customer service and prompt delivery of offers. The proposed designs and layouts are well-liked. However, no negative points are mentioned in the reviews. Overall, is recommended for its affordable and high-quality website development services. No negative reviews were mentioned.
3. DKNZ Design
AboutWhat we do and how. We are a hard working, committed software development company. Based in central Europe (Maribor, Slovenia) we work on projects ...
This text consists of positive reviews for a web development company, praising their great job in creating online stores using Magento. The company is highly recommended and their remote development approach is mentioned as a strength. However, no negative points are mentioned, therefore the overall verdict is positive.
4. Subtilne Kreacije
Subtilne Kreacije smo agencija, ki jo podjetja kontaktirajo, ko želijo resnično dominirati v digitalnem svetu. Poskrbimo za celostno podobo vašega podjetja.
The web development company has received positive feedback from multiple clients, praising their expertise in product creation, attention to graphic design, and SEO optimization. Clients have expressed satisfaction with the teams responsiveness and ability to fulfill requests. The company also received praise for their logo design services. No negative points were mentioned, indicating a satisfactory overall experience with the company.
5. IT MELONA, spletna agencija
Spletna agencija za digitalne rešitve na področju marketinga, izdelava spletnih strani, spletne trgovine, grafično oblikovanje.
The web development company has received positive reviews for being responsive, friendly, and delivering results. The team is praised for their help, listening skills, and efficiency. Overall, they are recommended and considered a reliable agency. No negative points were mentioned in the given reviews.
6. AMPD d.o.o.
AM Creative Agency © 2023. 01. AMPD d.o.o. AM Creative Agency. Cankarjeva ulica 6. SI-2000 Maribor. 02. T. +386 41 916 937. E. 03.
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7. Izdelava spletnih strani Maribor COMMA d.o.o.
Izdelava spletne trgovine in izdelava spletnih strani Maribor in vrhunsko oblikovanje z optimizacijo za uvrščanje strani na prva mesta iskalnikov.
Customers praise Comma for their responsiveness, willingness to help, and competitive prices. They are impressed with the fast response time, even outside of working hours. The company provides a high level of service and creates quality websites. Customers appreciate the guidance and explanation provided throughout the project. Overall, the company receives positive reviews and is recommended for their services.
8. Distant studio
Distant grafični studio Maribor. Načrtujemo in razvijamo digitalne blagovne znamke, ki se hitro povezujejo z uporabniki in izstopajo od konkurence.
The web development company has received positive reviews for their quality performance, flexibility, friendliness, and responsiveness. Customers appreciated the teams willingness to make compromises and their ability to handle difficult challenges. The team was also praised for their creativity and efficiency in completing orders. Overall, customers were satisfied and would recommend the company. No negative points were mentioned in the reviews.
9. IDEJA 21
Nov 2, 2021 ... Hiša Franko's Lucky #21. The 21st best restaurant in the ... ' A slightly raised eyebrow leads me to believe I just may have sparked an idea.
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10. qStom
001_PassionPictures_Qstom.jpg. 001_Wonderpark_Qstom.jpg. Carlos Nieto. PORTFOLIO. “Work in Progress”, please be patient :).
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11. Spletni Nastopi
May 15, 2020 ... Spletni nastop učencev pri učiteljici Lari Pelikan: Jošt Petrič, Baroque Flamenco: Deborah Henson-Conant Jošt Petrič, Serenade: Sussan..
Review not available!
12. PR Agencija NOVELUS d.o.o.
All we do, we do it because we believe in better tomorrow and better Planet. We ... Zagrebška cesta 20 at Agencija NOVELUS… See all employees. Similar pages ...
The marketing agency, Novelus, is praised for providing expert advice, assistance with marketing challenges, and serving great coffee. They have a team of IT experts, storytellers, and experienced business minds. However, one review states that they are not good. Overall, the reviews for Novelus are mixed, with positive points but also a negative review emphasizing their shortcomings.
13. Incubator-Računalniški inženiring Rok Jambrošič s.p.
Incubator računalniški inženiring, Maribor, Slovenia. 96 likes. Podjetje se ... inzeniring-rok-jambrosic-sp · VSESTORITVE.COM. - Rok Jambrošič.
Positive reviews highlight the companys quality, fast, and comprehensive IT services. The cooperation with the company is praised. However, the text is too short to identify any weaknesses. Overall, the reviews indicate a positive experience with the company.
14. NAVDIH.NET d.o.o.
»Podjetje NAVDIH.NET sem spoznala na brezplačni delavnici, kako pripraviti dobro spletno stran. ... d.o.o., Lackova cesta 78 A, 2000 Maribor (v nadaljevanju ...
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15. Izdelava Spletnih Strani Maribor
Izdelava spletne trgovine in izdelava spletnih strani Maribor in vrhunsko oblikovanje z optimizacijo za uvrščanje strani na prva mesta iskalnikov.
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