December 6, 2024
Top 15 Web development companies in Ostrava, Czechia
1. Webdevel s.r.o.
"Web navržený společností Webdevel splnil naše požadavky na moderní design, logicky rozčleněnou nabídku služeb, přehledný kalendář akcí a jednoduchý redakční ...
The customers express appreciation for the companys fast, agile, and tolerant approach to their website development. They commend the developers for their guidance and good response. The affordable prices and excellent work approach are also praised. However, the final sentence stating SCAM suggests a negative aspect or potential issue with the company. Overall, the reviews show mostly positive feedback with a potential warning.
2. Webvalley
WebValley started as a regional initiative for high school students from Trentino Alto-Adige SüdTirol, and it is now an opportunity for national and ...
A positive review for a web development company with great service. The reviewer had an interview for T-Mobile.
3. NetDirect
Net Direct Auto Sales is now Net Direct Lifted Trucks! Find custom and lifted trucks for sale or choose us for lifted truck service. At Net Direct, all we ...
The fastcentrik e-shop solution is not recommended due to its failure to deploy a connection to carriers in the Slovak market for 2 years. The balikobot system, which other e-shop solutions have already implemented, could be integrated in just two days. The administration of the e-shop solution is well-resolved, but the companys management lacks willingness to deploy essential functions. There have also been issues with unresolved requests and account theft. Overall, the company is not recommended.
4. MORAVIO s.r.o.
Jakub Bílý. Head of Business Development. · +420 731 232 786. Book a Meeting. © 2023 MORAVIO. All rights reserved. Moravio s.r.o.. GDPR.
Moravio is a great company with a great working environment and beautiful people. Reviewers praise it as the best company ever to work for, highlighting its progressive stance in the IT industry. However, the summary implies that there are no negative points mentioned in the reviews.
5. STORMEO - Návrh, tvorba, správa webů a PPC reklam
Navrhujeme, vytváříme a spravujeme webové stránky a PPC reklamy. Díky našeho know-how uspějete v online prostředí. Zjistit VÍCE >
Stormeo is a web development company that receives positive reviews for their work. They are praised for their professionalism, promptness, and ability to fulfill customer requests. Customers appreciate their assistance and willingness to help even with small details. There are no negative points mentioned in the reviews, indicating a positive overall experience with the company. No negative points are highlighted.
6. s.r.o.
... s.r.o.. Slévárenská 404/13, 709 00 Ostrava - Mariánské Hory (mapa ) Vedený u rejstříkového soudu v Ostravě pod značkou C 41782. Klientská sekce.
Unfortunately, there is a negative review from a dissatisfied customer who had a bad experience with the company. They paid CZK 150,000 but received nothing in return and had to create their website with another company. The customer is even considering filing a lawsuit. However, there are also positive reviews from other customers who appreciate the system and services provided by the company.
7. (rekonstrukce, nemovitosti a marketing) (rekonstrukce, nemovitosti a marketing) | 423 followers on LinkedIn. Nabídka komplexních služeb v oblasti marketingu, e-shopů a webových prezentací.
The web development company has received positive feedback for their ad management, SEO improvement, and fair dealings. The speed of implementation and communication were appreciated. One reviewer stated they were very satisfied and would recommend the company. Another reviewer mentioned being satisfied with the companys work. Overall, the company had a professional approach, good communication, and a willingness to help. No negative points were mentioned.
8. web-evolution
Feb 16, 2018 ... The first version of web Web 1.0 also referred as Syntactic web or read only web is the era(1990–2000) where the role of a user is limited to ...
Review not available!
9. StoryPress · We serve cookies. We use tools, such as cookies, to enable essential services and functionality on our site and to collect data ...
Review not available!
10. Banan CZ
Nemáte čas? Kompletní správa obsahu webu. Obsah Vašich stránek můžete jednoduše a intuitivně upravovat pomocí našeho chytrého redakčního systému, ale nemusíte.
Customers of Banan CZ, a web hosting company, have expressed their satisfaction with the services provided. The company has consistently delivered fast and high-quality service without any technical difficulties. Additionally, Banan CZ has supported charitable activities and has received praise for its generosity. Overall, customers highly recommend Banan CZ for its exceptional service.
11. Petr Jahoda - IT a online specialista
Chief Executive Officer @ 1st Czech Internet Incubator; Corporate Communication Specialist @ Cesky Telecom; Sales Assistant - Fixed Income Desk - Commerzbank ...
Review not available!
12. Webovky pro firmy
Jun 5, 2023 ... Learn how to deny access to websites, or allow access to only specific websites, for users of an iPhone, iPad, or Mac enrolled in a mobile ...
Customers consistently praise Petr Stibors professionalism, quick communication, and efficient website implementation. They appreciate the ability to edit the pages themselves. No negative points are mentioned, and all customers recommend Petr Stibors services. No weaknesses or final verdict are provided.
13. OMB AGENCY s.r.o.
DOJ Grant Agency Sites. COPS Community Oriented Policing Services U.S. Department ... On March 19, 2020, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued OMB ...
The reviews for the web development company are mixed. One reviewer had a negative experience with poor communication and slow progress, resulting in a costly loss. However, another reviewer praised the companys communication, flexibility, and accommodating nature. Another reviewer commended the company for their professionalism and speed of implementation. Overall, the company seems to have strengths in communication and flexibility, but there are also weaknesses in terms of progress and training.
14. ProRocketeers
Údržba a vývoj zdravotnického systému. Vývoj backendových servis pro komunikaci mezi mobilní aplikací a autem. ... Vývoj administrativniho portálu pro ...
The reviews for the web development company are positive overall. The team and people are great, and the environment is excellent. The customer projects and own startups are interesting. The company seems to have a strong team and offers a good working environment. No negative points or weaknesses were mentioned.
15. Fastest Solution s.r.o.
Jsme technologická firma v Ostravě zabývající se vývojem webových aplikací na míru na platformě cloud AWS.
This company is highly recommended for their expertise in metrics for e-shops and cost-effective AWS technology. They are reliable, punctual, and deliver high-quality products. The websites they develop work efficiently and are completed quickly. Overall, this company has received 5-star reviews and is praised by customers. No negative points were mentioned in the available reviews.