December 6, 2024
Top 11 Web development companies in Subotica, Serbia
1. Studio Present
Present is a women-owned and run brand design and web development studio based in Los Angeles. We specialize in brand strategy, brand identity design, ...
Positive reviews describe a nice and great place with helpful and talented staff. A recommendation to visit this new place is given. Overall, the company has a strong reputation. However, there may be some weaknesses that are not mentioned in the text.
2. Refresh
6 days ago ... The meaning of REFRESH is to restore strength and animation to : revive. How to use refresh in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Refresh.
Review not available!
3. Nordnet Doo
Kompanija Nordnet je osnovana 1998.godine. Od samog osnivanja, pored hostinga, naša osnovna delatnost je razvoj softvera.
The text contains a positive review of the companys professionalism and services, although the specific services have not been used. The reviewer compliments the companys efforts and suggests that the experience was worth the praise. No negative points or weaknesses are mentioned.
4. TopCode System doo
TopCode TopBusiness poslovni program je kompletno poslovno-knjigovodstveno rešenje koje obuhvata sve procese u poslovanju.
TopCode is an exceptional IT company with experienced and responsible experts who provide maximum support and real-time cooperation. They offer excellent business and accounting software and can fulfill requirements for software development and information systems. All recommendations for TopCode. No negative points mentioned.
5. Concordsoft Solutions
We are an experienced, full-stack, IT company ready to overcome any challenge. Starting from the first code, all the way to the end product and the success ...
The text is a request for a concise summary of reviews for a web development company. The specific request is to highlight the strengths and weaknesses and provide a verdict, with an emphasis on the negative points. The information provided in the text is not sufficient to provide a summary of the reviews.
6. Skenderovic Consultants
Jun 10, 2023 ... Kreativno unapređujemo onlajn & oflajn poslovanje preduzeća primenom informacionih tehnologija i menadžerskih metodologija.
Skenderović Consultants is praised for their professionalism, warmth, and availability. The company has grown from a small company to an important business partner in Serbia. Mr. Nebojša Skenderović is recommended as a top expert in IT marketing and a great lecturer. The company is described as professional, precise, and knowledgeable. Their services and client approach are of the highest quality. The overall verdict is positive, with warm recommendations for the team.
7. Panon Solutions
Panon Solution is internet marketing service company, that provides St Louis web design, graphic design and digital marketing services.
Review not available!
8. Digital Blaze doo
... doo. Subotica, Srbija Trg Cara Jovana Nenada 15. info@digitalblaze.agencija + ... Digital Blaze. Terms of use; Privacy Policy; Cookie Policy. English · Serbian.
Review not available!
9. DDBShop
Coș ; Tricoul Oficial 2021-2022. 300,00 ; Geaca de vânt. 250,00 ; HANORAC DDB. 150,00 ; Tricou POLO. 75,00 ; Tricou Ultragirls. 60,00 ...
Review not available!
10. Synthesis
Show your child they can learn anything. Synthesis Tutor is the educational AI that actually works. Discover for yourself.
Review not available!