Ability to update Schema of Home Page and other folders

Konigle websites can now update the Schema of their landing pages and folders.

Ability to update Schema of Home  Page and other folders

There are several benefits to updating the schema of a page/folder of a website and, more importantly, the landing page.

  • Improved Ranking Potential: Schema markup doesn't directly guarantee higher ranking, but it can help search engines better understand your content and match it to relevant searches. This can indirectly improve your ranking for targeted keywords.
  • Contextual Understanding: Search engines can use schema markup to understand the relationships between different elements on your page, leading to more relevant search results and a better user experience.


The JSON-LD for the landing page of Continuity Salon has been updated to include more information about the website such as the website type being 'HairSalon' and the area being 'Mumbai'.

Schema view of the landing page
Schema view of the landing page