How to make a website


In this day and age, having a website is a necessity. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur, or simply someone who wants to share their passion with the world, a website serves as your “virtual home” on the internet. But for the inexperienced, building a website can be difficult.

That's not the case for websites built with Konigle, here's how to do it in 8 simple steps.

  1. Determine the main goal and target audience
  2. Choose a domain name
  3. Get web hosting
  4. Find your ideal website builder
  5. Populate components and content on your website
  6. Start getting your website indexed
  7. Track your website analytics
  8. Ensure content stays updated

Ideate your website

1. Determine the main goal and target audience

Start by defining what the main goal of your website is and who your target audience will be. Are you looking to sell products? Showcase your portfolio? Or build a following? And to whom are you trying to reach? In any case, having a clear purpose and understanding your audiences’ needs will help guide your website-building decisions.

2. Choose a domain name

After you have a goal and target audience settled, choose your domain name. Aim for something memorable and relevant to your brand as this is your website's “address” in the virtual world. If you're struggling to come up with a name there are domain name generators widely available online.

Here is a list of some domain name providers you can choose from:

  • GoDaddy
  • NameCheap
  • Google Domains
  • NameSilo

3. Get web hosting

Lastly, research different web hosting providers before choosing one that offers reliable service with good customer support to meet your needs and budget. An example of a reliable cloud web hosting provider is Konigle. Packed with an elaborate (and growing) list of features, Konigle offers affordable web hosting plans for your website. Choose the plan best suited for you here.

Build your website

4. Find your ideal website builder

Now comes the crucial decision: to code or not to code. If you're comfortable with programming languages like HTML and CSS, building your website from scratch offers complete control and customisation.

However, for beginners or those seeking a faster route, website builders that offer drag-and-drop interfaces and pre-built templates are the way to go. Konigle is a zero-coding SEO-friendly website builder that is easy to use. Check out some of the features here.

5. Populate components and content on your website

A good website should be made up of both compelling content and stunning design. Write engaging and relevant content, add captivating images and videos, and structure your pages logically to ensure smooth navigation.

Then, comply with basic SEO practices and insert keywords throughout your content to improve your website's visibility in SERPs.

All of the above-mentioned can be simplified with the integration of AI tools into the website builder. Not only can content and images be generated, but also complete SEO-optimised page information. How convenient!

Launch and Maintain your website

6. Start getting your website indexed

Once basic content and components have been populated on your website, start by verifying your website with search engines like Google Search Console to help speed up the indexing process. However, you should also share your website to spread the word instead of relying solely on search engines to find you.

7. Track your website analytics

It is also recommended to use tools like Google Analytics to get valuable insights into your website traffic, page performance, etc. This is so that you can analyse the data and make improvements to your website continuously.

Alternatively, websites built with Konigle can run a site audit and obtain website analytics such as site traffic, page performances, etc.

8. Ensure content stays updated

Lastly, keep your content updated and relevant regularly. Plugins such as URL redirecting and page pruning are good to have as they can make the website maintenance process more efficient. If you find having to source and install external plugins a chore, then try Konigle. Plugins are built in the platform so you can conveniently make use of them.

Also, the AI content generation feature that is built-in on Konigle can help you update your content by simply inserting a prompt available on the prompt library and then just like that, updated content of a similar topic is generated.


Congratulations, you should have a fully functional website if you follow this guide.

Jatin Khosla


Jatin Khosla

Co-founder, Konigle

Jatin is dedicated to building a vibrant and secure internet for anyone anywhere to participate in profitably. His other interests are to eradicate littering and building the most efficient motors.

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