What's New

We are constantly improving our products and services. Here are some of the latest updates and new features.

  • Website Migration Plugin

    Website Migration Plugin

    The ability to migrate any website to Konigle while keeping the original design intact is live.

  • Custom HTML Pages

    Custom HTML Pages

    Introducing the ability to create custom HTML pages on Konigle.

  • Border Roundings

    Border Roundings

    Newly added design feature on Konigle: the ability to add border roundings for buttons and other elements.

  • Custom HTML Component

    Custom HTML Component

    Konigle sites can now design custom website components using the HTML component.

  • Customer Profiles

    Customer Profiles

    Customer profiles can now be edited on websites built with Konigle.

  • JSON-LD Schema Generator Plugin

    JSON-LD Schema Generator Plugin

    The JSON-LD Schema Generator Plugin is released for all Konigle users. There is a public tool and a paid version, check them out!