Bulk Indexer Plugin

Konigle Websites can now index pages in bulk using the Bulk Indexer Plugin.

Bulk Indexer Plugin

While Google doesn't offer guaranteed immediate indexing, various tools and techniques can help get your content crawled and indexed faster. With the Bulk Indexer plugin, you can submit up to 200 URLs to the Google Search Console for indexing at once with a list of URLs.

Here are some benefits of being able to index in bulk

  1. Improved SEO & Visibility: Prioritise the indexing of important pages with strategic submissions and get your pages appearing in SERPs quicker, leading to earlier traffic gains.
  2. Enhanced Efficiency & Scalability: Avoid submitting URLs individually, especially for websites with thousands of pages and integrate bulk indexing with your workflow for ongoing content updates.
  3. Deeper Insights & Analysis: Spot patterns and trends in indexing status for different URL groups and monitor the overall effectiveness of your bulk indexing strategy.

Just like the robots.txt generator, this plugin also includes a public tool which can be used by anyone.