Contact Form Component

Konigle websites can now add a contact form component to anywhere on their site.

Contact Form Component

This new component is found in the component builder. When it is included on a page, it collects all user enquiries under Commerce > Enquiries.

Importance of a Contact Form

For site visitors

  1. Having a contact form on your website provides an accessible method for visitors to reach you directly from your website, eliminating the need to find emails or phone numbers.

For website owners

  1. A contact form component on your website acts as a means to capture enquiries, providing valuable leads which can potentially turn into a customer or collaboration opportunity.
  • The collected leads are organised in a centralised CRM system making communication management easier and more efficient

Ways to Use Contact Forms

  • General Inquiries: A basic form for visitors to ask questions about your products, services, or website.
  • Newsletter Signups: Grow your email list by offering a subscription form with clear incentives.