Linktree Alternative Components

Konigle websites can now design components to create their very own Linktree Alternative.

Linktree Alternative Components

Linktree's major drawbacks include its inability to allow pages to be indexed by search engines and the restriction of SEO crawlers’ access to content.

These limitations hinder website authority building and search result ranking, making it unsuitable for businesses or creators relying on organic traffic and wanting to establish a strong online presence.

We recognise these pain points and have come up with a solution. Introducing the Linktree Alternative Components!


Profile Header

Every tree needs a profile header that effectively captures what your brand is all about
Every tree needs a profile header that effectively captures what your brand is all about
Links for easy access to your socials
Links for easy access to your socials

Subscription Form

Begin capturing an audience!
Begin capturing an audience!

Just with these, you can build a fully functional "Linktree" that not only allows access to crawlers but also gets indexed on Google so that you can grow organically. To top it off, with a simple plan upgrade, you have the freedom to start pushing out content on the same platform to drive more organic traffic to your site!