Logo Cloud Component

Introducing a new addition to Konigle's component builder: the Logo Cloud component.

Logo Cloud Component

This visually engaging feature that is available on the component builder allows you to display a collection of logos from your clients, partners, or sponsors, adding a touch of social proof to your website.

Use Cases

  • Display the logos of your esteemed clients, building trust and credibility with potential customers.
  • Highlight your partnerships and collaborations, showcasing a strong and supportive network.
  • Express gratitude to sponsors and gain additional exposure for them, fostering a mutually beneficial relationship.
  • Visually represent a community of users or organisations associated with your brand, fostering a sense of belonging.
  • Showcase the logos of participating organisations or sponsors for upcoming events, generating hype and excitement.

Benefits of Adding a Logo Cloud Component to Your Website

  • Break up text-heavy sections with a visually engaging and dynamic logo cloud, hence improving UX.
  • It helps in building trust and strengthening your brand image.
  • Logos might link back to client websites, potentially improving your SERPs.