More Variants of the Features Component

Konigle websites have more ways to showcase their product/service features now.

More Variants of the Features Component

The new styles of the Features component (Features - Scrolling side & Features - Scrolling centered) which aim to provide a different way for users to explore product offerings, have been added to the component builder. Visitors can simply swipe sideways or click the arrow buttons to navigate through each feature card to discover what you have to offer.


  • Navigate through features with seamless side-scrolling.
  • Each feature card is accompanied by a quick and informative overview that showcases its functionality.
  • The component is optimised for all devices.


  • The interactive nature of the component encourages exploration and keeps visitors interested.
  • Users can easily understand the value proposition of each feature at a glance.
  • The collapsable cards give your website a neater look.