New Variants of Multiple Components

Even more designs of various components have been released on Konigle's Component Builder.

New Variants of Multiple Components

With even more variants of existing components added to the website component builder, there are now endless possibilities for websites built on Konigle to look unique and captivating. The wider range of options available can better match your exact vision and let you stand out from the crowd with a truly distinctive website.

List of newly added variants

  1. CTA - Curved Border
  2. Features - Vertical Curved
  3. Features - Tabbed
  4. Footer - Simple-Centered
  5. Footer - Simple-Split
  6. Page hero - Full-Width-Image
  7. Reviews - Long reviews
  8. Visual Highlight - Full Width
  9. Visual Highlight - Curved
  10. Top navigation bar - Carded-Dropdown
  11. Top navigation bar - Floating

These are pre-existing components, which most of you would have already seen available in the component builder, just a different look for each one.