Photos Plugin

You can now let visitors upload images to your website built on Konigle.

Photos Plugin

Introducing our new "Photos" plugin, a powerful tool that allows you to create and manage photo albums directly on your website. This plugin transforms your website into a vibrant community hub where visitors can share their photos (up to 20 MB).

Key Features

  • Effortlessly create new albums to categorise images based on themes, events, or any desired criteria.
  • Empower website visitors to contribute by uploading their own photos directly.
  • Maintain control over the photo gallery by easily deleting uploaded images through the backend.
  • Seamless viewing experience across different devices and screen sizes.


  • Increased user engagement when interaction and community building are encouraged through shared photos.
  • Enhance your website's visual appeal and storytelling capabilities with rich media content.
  • Make use of the creativity in audience-generated content to expand your website's content.
  • Improved SEO when more visitors are attracted by visually appealing and shareable content.

With the "Photos" plugin, it will add a new dimension to your website, foster a sense of community, and provide a platform for visual storytelling.