Free seller tools

QR Code Generator

Generate dynamic QR codes for free. Track scans and get invaluable insights about visitors

Steps to Generate QR Code for Free

Enter a website or web page URL

Enter a email address. We will email you the QR code file to this email address

Press Generate QR Code button and wait for the QR code to be emailed to you.

We will setup a Konigle account for you. You can create more QR codes, manage and monitor how many people are scanning the codes from Konigle account.

Create QR Code for Free

Create once and change the URL any number of times without re-printing

User will be taken to this web page upon scanning. Konigle will track how many people are scanning the codes.

We will email you the QR code file to this address.

By submitting this form, you are agreeing to receive newsletters from Konigle.


What is Dynamic QR Code?
Dynamic QR code is a QR code for which the target URL can be changed without requiring to generate a new QR code
What is static QR code?
Static QR codes is a QR code in which the URL or QR code content is fixed and cannot be changed once generated. QR codes generated by majority of the free tools is static.
What are the benefits of Dynamic QR Code?
You can change underlying URL of the dynamic QR code. Hence, you can use same QR code when the URL changes without re-printing. Learn more about QR codes
What kind of QR code is generated by this tool?
This tool generates Dynamic QR codes. Once generated, you can go to Konigle account and change the URL of the QR code any number of times.