SEO Agencies

Website Builder for SEO Agencies

Speaking to SEO agencies, we kept hearing the following :

  1. The website of your client is so badly built, that it has to be almost always rebuilt from scratch.
  2. Most website builders do not provide total flexibility for SEO optimisations
  3. Wordpress is great, but we keep fixing and adding plugins, we call this the Plugin Jungle.

This leads to :

  1. Higher time to value.
  2. Lower revenue for the agency.
  3. Difficulty retaining clients.

We have developed a website builder cloud to solve all of the above, with the following features
Speed Up Workflows To Implement SEO tactics

  • Easily modify and optimise schema, slug, title, etc…
  • Crawler view to see how search engines view your pages
  • Generate LSI terms with Search volume estimates
  • Built in CDN and WebP image conversion to optimise speed and get those 95+ scores in PageSpeed insights for your clients without breaking sweat.
  • Sitemaps and Robots.txt optimisations in minutes to optimise crawl budgets.
  • AI generation capabilities for content and images
  • Curate your prompts in our prompt library and get access to 100’s of the most useful prompts 
  • Auto-generation of glossary terms pages to create interlinking and improve Page Rank
  • Bulk indexing of pages in GSC, IndexNow
  • Page pruning at scale to optimise Link Juice
  • Content planner
  • News jacking tool to get your client websites capture trends and get traffic boosts.

Add Revenue Stream

  • No more outsourcing web development
  • No code solution
  • Build + optimise websites for your client

Offer additional services with ease

  • Offer Email and SMS marketing services with high deliverability and analytics to show value.
Jatin Khosla


Jatin Khosla

Co-founder, Konigle

Jatin is dedicated to building a vibrant and secure internet for anyone anywhere to participate in profitably. His other interests are to eradicate littering and building the most efficient motors.

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