Ecommerce product indexing

Ecommerce product indexing
Arun Patel

Arun Patel

Aug. 31 2023


Product indexing is adding product information to a search engine's index to make it discoverable to users. Proper indexing helps customers find and purchase your products online.

What is product indexing?

Product indexing is the process of adding product information to a search engine's index, making it discoverable to users searching for products. This process involves crawling the product pages of a website, extracting relevant information, and storing it within the search engine's index.

Why is product indexing Important?

Product indexing is crucial because it enhances the visibility of your store's products online.

After a search engine indexes a product, it can be presented to users who are actively looking for that product. This increases the probability of a sale.

In fact:

Proper indexing helps customers find your products when searching online. Search engines can match their search terms to the keywords you used to index your products, increasing the likelihood of them finding your products.

With that…

Improving search functionality can increase your sales. When your products are easy to find, customers are more likely to make purchases. This is because they are more likely to buy products that they can find easily.

Best practices for product indexing

Set up Google Search Console.

  • To begin, verify ownership of your e-commerce store.
  • To submit a sitemap of your store to Google, you can use Search Console.
  • To check the indexing status of your product pages and request indexing for any non-indexed pages, use the URL Inspection tool in the Search Console.
  • Use the Performance Report in the Search Console to monitor search traffic and clicks for your product pages. Make adjustments as necessary to improve their visibility.

Product Page Optimization

  • Keep your product information up-to-date, including the product title, price, description, and availability. Outdated information is less likely to rank high in search results.
  • Using high-quality images and videos on your product pages can improve the user experience and facilitate better product indexing.
  • Optimize your product pages for mobile devices. With the increasing number of customers using their mobile devices to shop online, it's essential to ensure that your product pages are easy to navigate on smaller screens and available for mobile indexing.

Use structured data markup.

One important aspect of optimizing your e-commerce store for search engines is to use structured data markup.

Structured data markup provides additional information about your products to search engines. This helps search engines better understand your products for indexing purposes.

As a result, search engines are more likely to display your products to the right audience, which can increase visibility and sales for your e-commerce business.

There are various types of structured data markup available, but the most commonly used for e-commerce is product schema markup.

This markup allows you to provide detailed information about your products, including their name, description, price, availability, and more.

By using Product schema markup, you can provide search engines with a more complete understanding of your products. This can help them better comprehend what your e-commerce business offers and index your products faster on Google.

Bonus Tips

If you want to check which schema type you are using, you can easily do so via the Rich Results Test website.

Arun Patel


Arun Patel

Arun Patel previously an e-commerce merchandiser, is passionate about increasing Average Order Value and spends time researching and writing about profitable tactics to increase AOV.