Glossary Terms

Glossary Terms
Igor Dovgan

Igor Dovgan

Aug. 31 2023


A glossary term is a word or phrase used in an e-commerce store's products or services that may not be familiar to all customers. Including relevant glossary terms can improve search engine optimization and attract interested visitors.

What is a glossary term?

In an e-commerce store, a glossary term is a word or phrase that is commonly used in the context of the store's products or services but may not be familiar to all customers. This feature provides a definition or explanation of the term to help customers better understand its meaning.

Why glossary term is important?

When potential customers search for products related to your business, you want your e-commerce store to appear as high as possible in the search results.


And one way to achieve this is by using relevant glossary terms in your store content.

Actually, this can make a significant difference.

Using glossary terms that are relevant to your target audience can attract visitors who are more likely to be interested in your products.

With that…

You can improve your conversion rate and help you generate more sales.

When your visitors see that you understand the jargon of your industry, it can really help build trust between them and your business.

And you know what that means?

More sales and repeat business for you!

In fact:

Providing clear and concise definitions for commonly used terms can help customers understand the products or services being offered, ultimately leading to a purchase.


Including glossary terms can improve search engine optimization (SEO) by providing more relevant content for search engines to crawl and index.

Best practices for writing a glossary term

Choose the right terms.

Not all terms are created equal when it comes to driving traffic.

In fact:

Some terms are super competitive.

You need to find term opportunities that are less competitive and more valuable to potential customers.

Select terms that are relevant to your audience and likely to be searched for online.

You can use a keyword research tool to help you identify these terms.

Write clear and concise definitions.

Your definitions should be clear and concise, providing sufficient information for readers to understand the term.

It is advisable to avoid using jargon or technical language that may not be familiar to your potential audience.

Use keywords throughout the definition.

When crafting a definition, it is crucial to include the relevant keywords identified during research.

This increases the likelihood of the definition appearing in search results for those specific terms.


Offering a comprehensive explanation of the defined term, which includes relevant background information and context improves the clarity and usefulness of the definition for readers who aim to understand the term in question.

When defining a term, it's beneficial to consider related terms and hyperlink them.

By providing links to related concepts, you can encourage readers to explore the topic further and even spark their curiosity to learn more.

For instance, when defining "Books," linking to related terms such as "Fiction" or "Non-fiction" can give readers a greater understanding of the subject matter and inspire them to continue learning beyond what is presented in your text.

Linking to related terms also helps readers see how different concepts fit together, giving them a more holistic view of the topic.

So, take a moment to consider related terms when defining a concept, and your readers will surely appreciate it!

Promote your glossary.

Once you have created your glossary terms, it is important to share them with your target audience.

You can include them on your e-commerce store, blog, or social media pages to make them easily accessible.

In fact:

Submitting your glossary terms to online glossary directories can increase visibility and attract more users.

Sharing your glossary can help establish your authority in your field and build a stronger relationship with your audience.

They will appreciate the value you bring to their knowledge and understanding.

Bonus Tips

  • Ensure that your glossary terms are up-to-date. As new terms are introduced and old terms become obsolete, make sure to update your glossary accordingly.
  • Keep your glossary terms consistent. Use the same terminology throughout your glossary to avoid confusion.
  • Proofread your glossary terms carefully before publishing them. Typos and grammatical errors can make your glossary look unprofessional.
  • Use examples to illustrate the meaning of the term.
  • To make your glossary visually appealing, consider using images, charts, and tables. These elements can help to break up text and make information easier to understand and remember.
  • Proofread your definitions carefully to ensure that they are free of errors.

Learn More

Ecommerce Glossary - We're here to make the world of e-commerce less intimidating and help you wrap your head around important terms without any confusion. From conversion rates to SEO, we've got you covered with all the essentials in simple, easy-to-understand language.

Igor Dovgan


Igor Dovgan

Igor Dovgan a digital marketeer, helps research and writes about tactics  that helps online stores implement tactics to reduce Customer Acquisition Costs.