Import Products

Import Products
Arun Patel

Arun Patel

Sept. 12 2023


Importing products can be a great strategy for e-commerce stores. Learn how to import products to your Konigle store.

Importing products can be a great strategy for e-commerce stores. It not only helps to offer a wider range of products but also reduces costs and keeps you ahead of the latest trends.

By sourcing products from around the world, you can provide unique and niche items that may not be available in your local market.

This can lower your overheads and allow you to offer more competitive prices to your customers.

Why is it important to import products?

By importing products from other countries, you can offer your customers a greater selection of products than would be possible if you only sold locally made items.

This can be a fantastic way to attract new customers and boost your sales!

Sometimes, it can actually be more cost-effective to import products rather than producing them locally.

This is particularly the case when it comes to products that may not be widely accessible in your country or ones that require specialized manufacturing techniques.

By importing special or rare products, you can make your store stand out from the rest and draw in customers who are on the hunt for something unique.

Did you know that if you're the first to import a new product into your market, you can become a market leader, which can give you a huge advantage over your competitors?

So go ahead and make that move!

a quick tip: have you considered importing products at a lower cost?

Doing so could really help increase your profit margins and give a boost to your bottom line.

Best practices for importing products

As you know, Konigle Store Builder is a great platform to sell your products. However, before you can display your products on your website, you need to import them. Below are some of the best ways to import your products onto the Konigle Store.

To import products in bulk

From your Konigle Storefront admin, navigate to the ‘Products’ section.

Click on 'Import'. A pop-up window will appear, prompting you to upload a product file. If this is your first time importing products, click on 'Download the template file' and add products in the required format before uploading. Then, select 'Submit'.

This is an example of a product import template.

  • Product Handle refers to the product's URL handle. Only letters, numbers, and '-' are allowed, and each word should be separated by hyphens. For example, in the format "summer-t-shirt".
  • The Product Title is the listing title that customers will see on your store. A good Product Title can increase the chances of attracting more visitors.
  • If your product is a B2B product, set to ‘TRUE’. This will hide the price of the item on your store.
  • To add images, upload relevant images online (e.g. OneDrive or Google Drive) and make them public. Then, copy and paste the image URL under 'Product Image URL'.
  • Input relevant information for 'Variation Name' and 'Variation Value', such as size, color, pattern, etc. For example, in the image above, the variant will appear as M/White and L/Red on the product listing.

Enter the 'Variant Price' (mandatory) and the 'Variant Compare At Price' (recommended).

  • Enter the 'Variant Unit Cost' (optional).
  • Input 'Product Status' as either active, draft, or archived. Note that it is case-sensitive and should be in lowercase!
  1. After uploading and submitting the product import CSV file, you can still make further changes to the uploaded products such as variants, title, handle, description, and image. Once done, click on 'Save'.

To import products individually

At 'Products', click 'Add product'.

Fill in the relevant information such as title, price, variant, etc., and then click "Add".

Note: Product images can only be added after the product has been created. Therefore, leave your product in the draft state for now.

After creating the product, open it to add images or make edits. Then, change its status to "Active" and click "Save".

Learn More:

Arun Patel


Arun Patel

Arun Patel previously an e-commerce merchandiser, is passionate about increasing Average Order Value and spends time researching and writing about profitable tactics to increase AOV.