Persuasive product descriptions

Persuasive product descriptions
Maxwell Reed

Maxwell Reed

Sept. 6 2023


Product descriptions in e-commerce are written representations of products that are listed for sale online. They are important for building trust & credibility, improving SEO, reducing customer service inquiries, and increasing conversions

What are product descriptions?

Product descriptions in e-commerce are written or visual representations of products that are listed for sale online. Effective product descriptions should be clear, concise, and informative, highlighting the product's key features and benefits. Additionally, they should be able to convince customers that the product is the right choice for them.

Example of a good product description from
Example of a good product description from

Why are they important?

Product descriptions are important for all e-commerce businesses as they are a critical part of a customer's journey. Here are 5 reasons why having a persuasive product description is important:

+ Helps customers make informed decisions

A good product description should provide customers with all the product information they need to know, including its features, benefits, and specifications to help them make informed purchasing decisions.

+ Builds trust and credibility

A good product description demonstrates to customers your confidence in your product as you provide them with all the necessary information. This can help build trust and credibility, ultimately leading to repeat business.

+ Improves Search Engine Optimiztion (SEO)

Using keywords throughout the product description can help the product rank higher in search results. This results in more customers seeing the product and being more likely to buy it.

+ Reduces customer service inquiries

A well-written product description can reduce the number of customer service inquiries by providing customers with the information they need to troubleshoot problems or answer their questions.

+ Increases conversion rates

The most important reason why a persuasive product description is needed is that it can increase conversion rates. When potential customers understand the value of the product and why they should buy it, they would be more likely to convert.

How to craft persuasive product descriptions?

A good and persuasive product description should not only provide information but also highlight the benefits and emotional appeal of your products.

Steps to crafting a persuasive product description:

1. Identify and understand your target audience

Who are you trying to reach? What are their needs, wants, and pain points? Once you understand your target audience, tailor your description to speak to them directly.

2. Highlight the product's key features and benefits

What is your product's unique selling point? How will it solve the customer's problem? Focus on the benefits that are most important to them.

3. Use clear and concise language

Avoid technical terms that your target audience may not understand. Get to the point so that customers can easily understand the product and why they need it.

4. Be persuasive

Use strong verbs and adjectives like "easy," "convenient," and "affordable" to make the product sound appealing.

5. Use emotional appeals

Connect with the customer on an emotional level by appealing to their desires, fears, or needs. For example, how your product will make them feel more confident, stylish, or successful.

6. Use keywords throughout your description

This will help your products rank higher in search results. When choosing keywords, focus on the words that your target audience is likely to use.

7. Proofread before publishing

Typos and grammatical errors can make your product look unprofessional.

Key components of product descriptions include:

Example of a good product description from
Example of a good product description from
Example of a good product description from
Example of a good product description from

1. Product Title

A concise and descriptive title that accurately represents the product. It should include relevant keywords for SEO purposes.

2. Product Image

High-quality images that showcase the product from various angles.

3. Product Features

A concise list of the product's main features and specifications.

4. Product unique selling point

Explanation of how the product can solve a problem, setting it apart from competitors.

5. Other Descriptions

A more detailed narrative including information about the product's materials, manufacturing process, size, color options, and more.

6. Product Specifications

Details including information about the product's materials, manufacturing process, size (dimensions & weight), color options, materials used, and any other technical information that is relevant to the product.

7. Usage and Application

Instructions on how to use the product, its intended purpose, and any maintenance or care guidelines.

8. Price and Availability

Information about the product's price, any discounts or promotions, and its availability in terms of stock.

9. Call to Action (CTA)

A clear and compelling statement encouraging the customer to take action, such as "Add to Cart," "Buy Now," or "Learn More."

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Maxwell Reed


Maxwell Reed

Maxwell Reed a growth engineer is helping online stores with insights and recommendations to help implement conversion rate optimisation tactics.