Product keyword research

Product keyword research
Ghanshyam Jadhav

Ghanshyam Jadhav

Aug. 25 2023


Product keyword research is the process of identifying and analyzing the keywords that potential customers use when searching for products online. It helps optimize your e-commerce store to rank higher in search results.

What is Product keyword research?

Product keyword research is the process of identifying and analyzing the keywords that potential customers use when searching for products online.

Using this research, you can optimize your e-commerce store and product listings, improving their search result rankings.

Why product keyword research is important?

According to the Jumpshot report, 46% of product searches start with Google.

This means that millions of potential customers use Google Search every day to find various products.

In other words, someone from your target audience is likely searching for one of your products right now on the internet.

If you can identify the keyword that a potential customer is searching for and optimize your product page around that keyword, your product has a higher chance of appearing at the top of the search results.

A keyword search on Google
A keyword search on Google

In short, by understanding what your customers are searching for, you can optimize your e-commerce store and significantly increase product sales.

How to do keyword research for a product page?

1. Google autocomplete predictions

You may have noticed that when you search for something on Google, the search engine suggests specific keywords for you.

Specific keyword searching on Google
Specific keyword searching on Google

This is essentially a Google Autocomplete Predictions feature.

It's actually powered by a super smart algorithm that looks at people's past searches, as well as the popularity of other search queries, to come up with predictions for what your potential customer might be looking for.

These predictions will appear in a convenient dropdown menu located just below the search bar. Simply select the one that best matches what you're looking for. Pretty neat, right?

For example, let's say that you are selling books.

When you type "books to" into Google, you will see that it suggests 5-6 other related keywords for that term.

"Books to" keyword searching on Google
"Books to" keyword searching on Google

Not only are these good keywords, but they are also popular ones.


As you just read, these keywords are popular; otherwise, Google wouldn't suggest them.

Autocomplete suggestions are typically longer, consisting of five or more words. As these are "long tail" keywords, they tend to have lower competition, making it easier for your product to rank for them.

In addition to the standard Google Autocomplete Predictions, there are "People also ask" predictions that appear in a box below the search results. These predictions suggest related questions that potential customers might want to explore and can be useful for those looking to learn more about a particular product.

Google's people also ask section
Google's people also ask section

2. Identify Your Target Audience

When conducting keyword research for products, it is important to consider the following factors:

What is the intent of the searcher? Are they looking for information, trying to find a specific website or page, or ready to make a purchase?

Understanding the searcher's intent is critical in delivering relevant results and ensuring a positive user experience.

For example, if your potential customer is looking for information, you could give them resources such as articles or blog posts, while someone who's ready to make a purchase might find product listings or reviews helpful.

By understanding the searcher's intent, you can tailor your content and e-commerce store to better serve their needs and increase the likelihood of a successful outcome.

Here are some examples of keywords that can help you understand the potential intentions of your target customers:

Informational keywords:

These keywords are used by people who are searching for information about a product or service. They are typically longer and more specific than other types of keywords.

For example, "Best Books for college students" or "How to use DSLR camera?”

Navigational keywords:

These keywords are used by people searching for a specific website or page. They typically include the name of the product or a variation of it.

For example, "Apple iPhone" or "Nike shoes.”

Commercial keywords:

These keywords are often used by individuals interested in purchasing a product or service. They are typically transactional in nature and may include words such as "buy," "shop," or "price."

For example, "buy a new book" or "best deals on bestseller books”

Transactional keywords:

These keywords are used by people who are ready to make a purchase. They are typically the most specific type of keyword and may include the name, model number, or price of the product.

For example, "2023 MacBook Pro" or "Atomic habit book”

3. Use keyword research tools

When conducting keyword research, it is important to use reliable tools that can help you discover related keywords as well as their search volume and level of competition.

To achieve this goal, you may consider using popular keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush. These tools can provide you with a range of information about your target keywords, such as their popularity, relevance, and competitiveness.

Furthermore, you can utilize this information to optimize the content of your e-commerce store and improve your search engine rankings. This will ultimately drive more traffic and leads to your store.

Keyword research on semrush
Keyword research on semrush
  • Search volume refers to the number of people searching for a particular keyword each month.
  • Competition: How many other websites are ranking for this keyword?
  • Keyword difficulty: How challenging is it to achieve a high rank for this keyword?

Bonus Tips

  1. To begin, brainstorm potential keywords that are relevant to your product. Think about what your potential customers would search for when looking for your product.
  2. Incorporate your chosen keywords throughout your product page. Using your chosen keywords throughout your product page is crucial for optimizing your page for search engines. Be sure to include them in the title tag, meta description, headers, body copy, and product images.
  3. Examine competitor product listings and take note of the keywords they are targeting.
  4. To increase the chances of ranking higher in search results, use long-tail keywords - which are more specific phrases - to target a more niche audience.
  5. Analyze the search intent behind the keywords and tailor your product listing to meet the searcher's needs.

To establish a successful e-commerce store, Konigle offers a variety of helpful features. Sign up today and start building your e-commerce store with ease in just a few simple steps.

Learn More

Keyword - This term provides an overview of keywords, including their definition, the different types of keywords, and their importance.

Keyword stuffing - This term will help you understand what keyword stuffing is, how to avoid it, and why it is bad for your e-commerce store.

Ghanshyam Jadhav


Ghanshyam Jadhav

Content Writing

Ghanshyam has experience running blogs and making money online using AdSense and affiliate marketing. When he is not writing, he likes to travel and hike to spiritual places.