Product URL

Product URL
Arun Patel

Arun Patel

Aug. 25 2023


Product URLs are web addresses that direct users to a specific product page on an e-commerce website. They help customers find the product they are looking for, improve SEO, and can be shared on social media to promote the product.

What is a Product URL?

A product URL is a web address that directs users to a specific product page on an e-commerce website. It usually consists of the website's domain name, followed by the product's unique identifier, such as its product code or name.

For example, the product URL for the "Red T-Shirt" on the website could be:

Why Product URL is important?

Having a product URL is super important!

This provides customers with a direct link to a specific product page. This way, they can easily obtain all the information they need and make a purchase.

In fact:

If you ensure that your product URL is clear and concise, it can even improve your product page's search engine optimization (SEO), making it more visible to potential customers.

The product URL should be easy to share on social media and other channels. This can help you promote your products and drive traffic to your website.

Here are some actionable steps you need to take to improve your product URL.

Best practices for product URLs

1. Use descriptive keywords.

When crafting the URL for your product, it is important to put thought into the words you use.

The URL should be a reflection of the product being linked to and accurately describe it.

By doing so,

Google will be better able to understand what your page is about and can easily match it to relevant search queries.

In fact:

Using descriptive and relevant words in the URL can also help attract potential customers who are searching for exactly what your product offers.

Therefore, it is essential to take the time to ensure that the words in your URL are accurate and descriptive.

This will maximize your page's visibility and attract the right audience.

2. Keep it short and simple.

A short and sweet URL can be easier to remember and type, but it might not give your audience a clear idea of what they'll find on the page.

On the other hand, a long and complicated URL might overwhelm your audience or even slow down your store.


You should aim to create a URL that is both concise and informative, using only relevant and necessary keywords to convey the topic of the page.

This will not only make it easier for your audience to remember and access your e-commerce but will also improve your search engine optimization and help your store rank higher on the search engine results page.

In fact:

According to a Backlinko study, the average URL length for a top 10 result in Google is 66 characters. However, most URLs on the first page of Google are approximately the same length, ranging from 40 to 100 characters.

Backlinko study of URL Length
Backlinko study of URL Length

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Bonus Tips

Use hyphens instead of spaces.

Use hyphens to separate words in your URL, rather than spaces. This will make your URL more readable and easier for Google to index.

Avoid special characters.

Avoid using special characters in your URL, such as underscores, ampersands, or question marks. These characters can make your URL difficult to read and can also cause problems with some search engines.

Use the same URL for all variations of a product.

If your product has different variations, such as different colors or sizes, it is important to use the same URL for all of them. This allows Google to recognize that they are different variations of the same product and makes it easier for customers to find the product they are looking for.

Here are some examples of SEO-friendly product URLs:

Product name + variation attributes:

Product category + product name + variation attributes:

Product SKU + variation attributes:

Canonical URL:

Use HTTPS for URL.

Using HTTPS in your product URL can help ensure that customer information is secure, and can also improve your page's search engine rankings.

Arun Patel


Arun Patel

Arun Patel previously an e-commerce merchandiser, is passionate about increasing Average Order Value and spends time researching and writing about profitable tactics to increase AOV.