Store Pages

Store Pages
Maxwell Reed

Maxwell Reed

Sept. 12 2023


Store pages are crucial for e-commerce stores as they display products and services, provide information to customers, and help build trust and loyalty. Important pages include homepage, category and product pages.

What are store pages?

Store pages are a critical aspect of any e-commerce store. They display products and services and enable customers to make purchases. These pages are the first point of contact for customers interested in buying products or services, providing them with information such as price, specifications, features, and policies.

Why are store pages important?

Store pages are super important for any business selling products online. They provide your customers with a space to view and purchase your products.

Plus, they're a great opportunity for you to showcase your brand and create a connection with your customers!

One of the things we love about store pages is that they help customers like yours make informed purchasing decisions.

By providing detailed information about your products, such as descriptions, features, and customer reviews, you show that you care about their needs.

Doing this helps them find the perfect product that suits them.

One of the amazing things about store pages is that they give you the opportunity to share information about your company with your customers.

You can tell them about your mission statement, history, and values, which will help them understand your business better.

Plus, it's a great way to build loyalty and trust between you and your customers.

I'd love to give you some advice.

It's always a great idea to create store pages that are informative and engaging.

This way, you can accurately represent your brand and products, which will give your customers a positive experience and make them more likely to return for future purchases.

  • Homepage: The homepage is the first page that visitors see when they come to your store. Therefore, it is crucial to make a good first impression. The homepage should include a clear call to action, such as a button to shop now or learn more about your products.
  • Category pages: Category pages display all the products in a specific category. They are useful for customers who know what they are looking for and want to find it quickly.
  • Product pages: Product pages offer detailed information about a particular product, including its features, price, and availability. They are crucial in assisting customers in making informed purchasing decisions.
  • Search Results Pages: These pages display the results of a customer's search query, helping them find products even if they don't know the exact name or category(like a blog post or glossary term). They are crucial for improving the overall customer experience and making it easier for customers to find what they are looking for.
  • Cart page: The cart page is where customers add products to their shopping cart and proceed to checkout. It is important to make the cart page easy to use and understand so that customers can quickly and easily complete their purchases.
  • Checkout page: The checkout page is where customers enter their billing and shipping information to complete their purchase. It is important to make the checkout page secure and easy to use so that customers feel confident in their purchase.

In addition to these essential pages, there are many other store pages that can be helpful for e-commerce stores, such as:

  • About Us page: This page provides information about your company, such as its history, mission, and values.
  • Contact Us page: This page provides customers with a way to contact you with any questions or concerns they may have.
  • Shipping Policy page: This page provides details about your shipping policies, including shipping costs, estimated delivery times, and return policy.
  • Returns Policy page: This page outlines your return policies, including the conditions under which customers can return items and the process for doing so.
  • FAQs page: This page provides answers to frequently asked questions about your products or services.

The specific store pages that you need will vary depending on the type of products you sell and your target audience.

However, the pages listed above are a good starting point for any e-commerce store.

Best Practices for Creating Store Pages

In the Königle Store Builder, we provide pre-created pages such as the Homepage, Product Page, Cart Page, etc.

This means that you don't need to create them yourself, saving you time and effort that you would have spent creating each element for your store.

To display your information on your store, you simply need to put it on dedicated pages.

How simple is it, right?

If you need to create dedicated pages on Konigle Store Builder, follow this process:

From your Konigle Storefront admin, navigate to Website, then click on Pages.

Click on 'New Page' in the 'Pages' section. A pop-up will appear, where you need to enter the page title. The title should be descriptive of the page content. Hit the 'Create' button.

 Once you click the 'Create' button, a backend page will open where you can add content for your display page. Once you are done with your content, you can also follow below things to make your page better.

  • Upload a cover image if required.
  • You can modify your title or set a subtitle for your page.

Optimize the URL for your web page. Increasing the frequency of words that people search for in a URL can improve the chances of getting more visitors.

Once you have completed all these tasks, the most important thing is to optimize your page for SEO. This is what search engines, such as Google, will see.

Add the most suitable meta title, meta description, and SEO keywords.

Once you have completed all these steps, click the "Save" button on the top right corner and then click the eye icon to publish your page on the website.

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Maxwell Reed


Maxwell Reed

Maxwell Reed a growth engineer is helping online stores with insights and recommendations to help implement conversion rate optimisation tactics.