Dispelling E-commerce Brand Building Myths: Insights for Success

Dispelling E-commerce Brand Building Myths: Insights for Success
Ngan Pham

Ngan Pham

July 4 2023


Ngân dispels myths about e-commerce brand building, emphasizing the need for a compelling story, diversified channels, and adaptability to succeed.

In the world of e-commerce, there is a growing trend towards building direct-to-consumer (D2C) brands. However, Ngân, an experienced business development professional, believes that there are common misconceptions that lead businesses astray. She sheds light on two prevalent myths and provides valuable insights to set the record straight.

One myth that Ngân highlights is the belief that offering a perfect product is sufficient for ensuring success. While having a good product is undoubtedly important, it is not enough on its own. Ngân points out that without a strong brand, a product becomes irrelevant and easily forgotten. Building a brand goes beyond the product itself; it involves crafting emotions and telling a compelling story that resonates with consumers. The ability to create brand recall is what distinguishes successful brands from their competitors. Without a memorable story, consumers are unlikely to remember or connect with a product, hindering its success.

Another myth surrounding brand building in e-commerce, particularly for business-to-consumer (B2C) owners, is the overemphasis on a single channel. Ngân cautions against relying solely on one channel, such as Facebook, even if it is performing well. Instead, she advises diversifying and exploring multiple channels to take advantage of different traffic sources and support one another. By expanding their brand presence across various platforms, businesses can reach a wider audience and increase their chances of success. Ngân emphasizes the importance of being present wherever customers are searching for products, ensuring maximum visibility and accessibility.

Furthermore, Ngân stresses the need to avoid depending solely on specific marketplace rules or platforms like Shopee or Lazada. While these platforms can provide valuable exposure, relying solely on them can limit a business's growth potential. Changes in circumstances or platform policies can significantly impact a company's operations. By diversifying distribution channels, businesses can mitigate risks and adapt more effectively to changing market dynamics. Ngân highlights that today's customers are savvy and will seek out brands across various channels. Therefore, it is crucial to establish a strong presence and engage with customers wherever they may be.

Ngân concludes by cautioning against blindly following trends without considering the bigger picture. While live streaming may be a current trend, it is important not to abandon other established channels. Instead, businesses should carefully assess the relevance and potential of new trends while maintaining a diversified approach to maximize their reach and appeal to a broader customer base.

In summary, Ngân dispels common myths surrounding e-commerce brand building. She emphasizes the significance of a compelling brand story, the need to diversify distribution channels, and the importance of staying adaptable in an ever-evolving digital landscape. By dispelling these myths and adopting a holistic approach, businesses can position themselves for long-term success in the competitive e-commerce arena.

Ngan Pham


Ngan Pham

Ngan is currently serving as a senior growth manager at Anchanto Vietnam.