What's new in Konigle: May 2024

Wen Lin Poh

7 min read

Here's a summary of newly released features on Konigle in May 2024.

We're excited to recap another month of exciting feature releases designed to empower you and streamline your workflow. This month, we've been focused on expanding the components available in the component builder. Let's dive into the details and see how these new additions can fuel your success!

Here's what was added in May:

  • Logo Cloud
  • Gallery
  • FAQ
  • Features - Parallax
  • Highlights
  • Company Profile
  • Pricing Plan

This visually engaging component allows you to display a collection of logos from your clients, partners, or sponsors, adding a touch of social proof to your website. Additionally, the logos might link back to client websites, potentially improving your SERPs.

The brand new 'Gallery' component is another important visual tool to help you create stunning websites. Showcase your portfolio in a visually appealing format or share photos from special occasions to allow users to easily browse through high-quality images.

A FAQ component acts as a way for you to answer common pre-purchase questions, provide instructions, troubleshoot common issues, and outline company policies. FAQs can be optimised with relevant keywords, potentially improving your website's SERPs and driving more organic traffic. Well-structured FAQs can also act as helpful content for search engines to better understand your website's content.

The "features - parallax" component lets you create a more dynamic and immersive experience by adding depth to your website. It also improves user engagement by increasing time spent on the page by invoking curiosity in page visitors.

This new component is useful if you wish to highlight and show off your product features in a summarised manner. You can also grab visitors' attention and highlight the key features that set your product apart right on the landing page.

This 'Company Profile' component provides a clear and consistent way for users to get to know the company, hence improving user experience (UX). It can also help reinforce brand identity and increase engagement when visitors further explore social media and reviews.

The 'Pricing Plan' is a new website component designed to showcase your pricing plans clearly and effectively. This component offers a flexible and customisable way to present your pricing options to potential customers, thereby boosting conversions.

That's a wrap on all the newly introduced components we have on Konigle for May. We hope you find this round-up beneficial, and we will be back again for our future round-ups.

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Wen Lin Poh

Wen Lin is passionate about helping people build businesses to become financially independent. A pro volleyball player and solo traveller , she can speak Mandarin, English and Spanish.

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